Construction of the E117 international road section Kvesheti-Kobi highway (tunnel section)

About Project

9 km-long and 5 m diameter tunnel of Kvesheti-Kobi is one of the important parts of the new Kvesheti-Kobi road project. The tunnel starts near the village Tskere, passes under Jvari pass and ends near the village Kobi. 9 km long evacuation tunnel is being built parallel to the main tunnel.

This tunnel will be the longest in Georgia, and one of the unique in the world. For the commissioning the construction works, a tunneling machine – TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine) was manufactured in China specifically for this project. It is important to mention that the TBM significantly reduces environmental impact.

The construction of the Kvesheti-Kobi tunnel started in 2020 and will be completed in 2025.

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657 people are employed on the construction of the Kvesheti-Kobi tunnel, including 414 Georgian citizens.

Construction company
Construction company

The construction works of the project are carried out by the international company China Railway Tunnel group Co., Ltd.


The project is financed by donor organizations, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and its budget is 909 million GEL.


The construction process is supervised by the international company UBM ULUSLARARASI BİRLEŞMİŞ MÜŞAVİRLER MÜŞAVİRLİK HİZMETLERİ A.Ş. The supervisory team at the site checks the conformity of the construction materials and performance of the works, conducts the necessary laboratory tests, quality control, checks the compliance of labor and safety during the course of the works, agrees on the construction work methodologies, checks the execution of the work schedules, the volumes of the works performed, studies environmental and social issues. It also prepares monthly reports and approves technical documentation (drawings, engineering reports).

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